Colon Hygiene Therapy
Colon Hygiene Therapy is offered at our facility with a passion for internal hygiene and vibrant health. Our gravity-based colonics guarantee a calm and healing experience that is dramatically effective and personalized based on the client's needs. .
First time clients receive a thorough wellness consultation to help assess goals and discuss current digestive patterns/ complications. The facility is designed to provide all guests with a comfortable and private spa like experience.
Colon Hygiene Therapy's goal is to ensure that all clients leave feeling renewed, vibrant and more committed to a lifestyle that is free of artificial foods and rich in a nourishing and nutritious diet.
Benefits of our colonic services include:
reduced bloating
weight loss
more regular bowel movements,
improved metabolism
increased energy
reduced body odor
mental clarity
reduced acne/ eczema
improved function of immune system
greater body fluidity
a healthy glow
Colon cleansing prevents and eliminates the putrefaction of waste in the colon which is the root of disease in the body and main cause of accelerated signs of aging.
We are passionate about the journey of our clients and are available to answer questions our clients have before, during and after all colonic sessions.